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Group Past Life Regression Workshop


Instructor [ s ]

Marije Terluin


Saturday, October 19th


2:30 - 5:30 PM


This 3-hour group workshop is a fun and easy way to experience and discover a past life. Most people have lived many lives; however, the one you will experience in the workshop is the one your Higher Self picks for you to see. It will be a past lifetime that offers information that will benefit you in your present-day life.

The workshop consists of 3 different exercises, and there will be lots of interaction in between the exercises. Doing a past life regression feels much like a guided meditation. During hypnosis you are always in your own control, and will feel relaxed and refreshed, when the workshop is done.

Please bring the following:
• Notebook and pen
• Blanket and a pillow
• Yoga mat + Eye mask (optional)

Best way to prepare:
• Don’t drink any coffee or alcohol before the workshop
• Make sure you eat beforehand
• Wear comfortable clothing
• Have no expectations and come with an open mind!

Your host: Marije Terluin (pronounced ‘Mariah’), is a Past Life Regressionist, and owner of Marije studied at the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy (QHHT) of Dolores Cannon.

