DATE: Sunday, May 15
TIME: 6:00 - 8:30 pm
VALUE: $33 + gst
Join Sacred Row for an evening of reflection, magic, and community. Scorpio is known as the most mysterious of the zodiac, and the Scorpion Full Moon shows up at this moment to illuminate our deepest questions and passions regarding the care and stewardship of our homes, communities, and planet. This moon reflects to us how our own internal intensities are never more visceral than they are at this time.
Ceremony is intentional process. As a diverse society of reforming culture, we are creating the intention that orchestrates ceremony with each passing day, in every interaction, one word, one breath, one thought at a time. We invite you to come and place your truth into the process of what we are all learning together to call ceremony. Join us and lend your voice the new way in which we will hold ourselves accountable for what is truly important in our shared world.