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[ IMMERISION ] Fascia + Natural Movement

Facilitator | Chelsea Lees
Date | SEP 20/21
Sat + Sun 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Value | $325

Asana Yoga is an ancient tradition, but how does it apply and appeal to the physiology of today’s population?

Learn how to question your sequencing, rather than just string it together. What is the purpose of your transitions? If you are working to a peak pose, what makes it a peak pose, and what benefits will an individual gain from working into it and the journey that leads them there?
Fascia plays a huge role in our day-to-day movements. It holds on to patterns and traumas making it an intricate player in any activity we embark upon. Yoga is a beautiful mechanism for tapping into this anatomy. Learn the answers to questions like:
What are facial tissues?
What is a load story?
How do we read an individual’s load story, and then utilize that knowledge to create a practice that speaks beneficially to that story?

Learn techniques to integrate rolling and creative sequencing into any practice in a way that will help you deliver an informed practice beneficial for all practitioners.

Earlier Event: September 13
[ IMMERSION ] Inversions + Arm Balancing
Later Event: October 11
[ IMMERSION ] Advanced Asana